This course is designed to provide corrections staff, volunteers, and contractors with Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Refresher training that work in Adult Community Confinement settings.
As a pre-requisite, all attendees should have completed a full PREA Initial Employee training course to have a good basic understanding of PREA.
In this course we are going to cover the following topics:
PREA Basics
- Zero Tolerance Policy
- Dynamics of Sexual Abuse in Detention
- Detecting Signs of Sexual Abuse
Effects of Abuse
- Disclosures
- Common Reactions to Abuse
- Responding to Victimized Residents
Professional Communication and Boundaries
- Professional Communication
- Appropriate Interactions
- Compromised Professionalism
Resident Privacy
- Privacy Does Not Compromise Security
- Housing Unit Announcements
- Pat Searches and Urine Drops
Ways Residents Can Report
- Multiple Ways Residents Can Report
- Third-Party Reporting
- Reporting in the Community
Resident Support Services
- Resident Support Services
- What Services Are Provided?
- Privacy
Helping Residents Who Primarily Speak Another Language
- Can a Resident Provide Interpretation?
- Who Can Provide Interpretation
- Tips for Speaking with Residents Whose English is Limited
This course covers the following PREA Standards:
- §115.211 – Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment; PREA coordinator
- §115.215 – Limits to cross-gender viewing and searches
- §115.216 – Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient
- §115.231 – Employee training
- §115.251 – Resident reporting
- §115.252 – Exhaustion of administrative remedies
- §115.253 – Resident access to outside confidential support services
- §115.254 – Third-party reporting
- §115.264 – Staff first responder duties
- §115.282 – Access to emergency medical and mental health services